Our leadership

Our leadership

The IFE is governed by a Board of Trustee Directors who are collectively responsible for the governance and strategic direction of the institution. The Chief Executive has delegated responsibility for the day-to-day operations and is supported by the Corporate Management Team. Board committees are also in place to assist the Board to fulfil their functions.

Landscape images of an empty board room.

Meet our Trustees and Chief Executive

Dr. Paul Stollard RegArch PHD BArch BA CEng MIFireE
Dr. Paul Stollard RegArch PHD BArch BA CEng MIFireE Trustee (Chair)
Dr. Paul Stollard RegArch PHD BArch BA CEng MIFireE
Chris Bilby GIFireE
Chris Bilby GIFireE Trustee
Chris Bilby GIFireE
Hayley Burgess MSc BSc (Hons) CFIOSH C.BuildE MCABE OSHCR EngTech MIFireE
Hayley Burgess MSc BSc (Hons) CFIOSH C.BuildE MCABE OSHCR EngTech MIFireE Trustee
Hayley Burgess MSc BSc (Hons) CFIOSH C.BuildE MCABE OSHCR EngTech MIFireE
Nick Collins MIFireE
Nick Collins MIFireE Trustee
Nick Collins MIFireE
Angela Fearnley MEngSt (Fire) BE(Hons) Mech MIEAust CPEng NER AIFireE MSFS
Angela Fearnley MEngSt (Fire) BE(Hons) Mech MIEAust CPEng NER AIFireE MSFS Trustee
Angela Fearnley MEngSt (Fire) BE(Hons) Mech MIEAust CPEng NER AIFireE MSFS
Steve Hamm MSc BEng(Hons) CEng FIFireE
Steve Hamm MSc BEng(Hons) CEng FIFireE CEO
Steve Hamm MSc BEng(Hons) CEng FIFireE
James Lane BEng (Hons) CEng FIFireE
James Lane BEng (Hons) CEng FIFireE Trustee
James Lane BEng (Hons) CEng FIFireE
Dr. Shephard Ndlovu PhD MSc BSc (Hons) FHEA FIFireE
Dr. Shephard Ndlovu PhD MSc BSc (Hons) FHEA FIFireE Trustee
Dr. Shephard Ndlovu PhD MSc BSc (Hons) FHEA FIFireE
Dr Parina Patel BSc PhD CEng MIFireE
Dr Parina Patel BSc PhD CEng MIFireE Trustee
Dr Parina Patel BSc PhD CEng MIFireE
Hao-giang Tay BSc (Hons) MSc CFIFireE
Hao-giang Tay BSc (Hons) MSc CFIFireE Trustee
Hao-giang Tay BSc (Hons) MSc CFIFireE
Dr Peter Wilkinson CSci MIScT CEng FIFireE
Dr Peter Wilkinson CSci MIScT CEng FIFireE Trustee
Dr Peter Wilkinson CSci MIScT CEng FIFireE

Board committees

To assist the Board in discharging their responsibilities, they have installed six standing board committees.

Board committees consist of Trustees and subject matter volunteers as appropriate. 

Each committee operates under a terms of reference and reports their decisions and activities to the Board at each board meeting.

To ensure good governance and integrity of the institution’s education and qualification strategy and standards.

    To provide oversight, ensuring the institution’s education and qualification strategy is fit for purpose and is responsive to developments in the fire sector.

    To oversee arrangements and procedures to ensure qualifications are rigorous and compliant with the conditions of recognition of regulatory bodies.

    To provide robust oversight of the institution’s integrity and effectiveness of its financial reporting, internal controls and risk management systems.

    To understand, scrutinise and drive improvements to the institution’s overarching framework of financial governance.

    To provide oversight of the institution’s strategy for membership and that processes and policies are developed and implemented effectively. To ensure that the membership strategy is fit for purpose and is responsive to developments in the fire sector.

    The committee shall oversee all member-based forums such as the IGA, branches, groups and membership related panels.

    “Membership” shall include membership of the institution together with professional registration being Engineering Council registrants and/or Fire Risk Registrants.

    To lead the process for appointments, ensure plans are in place for orderly succession to both the Board of Trustee Directors and its committees, and oversee the development of a diverse pipeline for succession; ensuring a combination of skills, experience and knowledge is pertained.

    To assist the Board of Trustee Directors in developing and embedding ethical values and standards within its membership.

      To provide oversight on behalf of the Board of the policies and procedures adopted by the Ethics Panel and monitor the overall compliance and effectiveness of such policies.

      Receive and consider reports and recommendations from the Ethics Panel on behalf of the Board.

      To advance the field of fire engineering through serving as a resource and guiding influence to the institution by advocating for rigorous standards and regulations, fostering collaboration and by providing expertise, guidance and technical assistance on fire engineering related matters.

      The committee shall:

      1. Provide expertise and advice on aligning key technical priorities relevant to the institution’s objectives and plans
      2. Provide advice, insight and specific knowledge to the institution on key topics and initiatives including potential opportunities and risks
      3. Assist with the preparation and/or peer review of technical guidance, articles, and comments for publication
      4. Provide oversight, co-ordination, guidance and direction to potential and existing Special Interest Groups (SIGs)