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Find an IFE Professional

If you are looking to engage a fire engineer, choose someone who has the appropriate credentials. Use this online directory to check their professional status, find out more about their expertise and contact them directly.

Searching for an IFE member?

Use this online directory to search for all IFE professionals and their area of self declared expertise

Find a registered fire engineer

Search for IFE professionals who have attained professional registration with the Engineering Council

Search for a fire risk assessor

Search for IFE professionals who are Engineering Council Registrants and who have also met the requirements for inclusion on our Fire Risk Assessors Register

What should I be looking for?

By using the Find an IFE Professional directory, you agree to this disclaimer

IFE members have varying levels of knowledge, understanding and experience, which are reflected by their membership grade.

The directory includes details of each members grade and area of expertise.

All members in this directory have been assessed by peers to meet the detailed requirements for their grade and have made a commitment to Continuous Professional Development and ethical conduct.

The IFE registers individuals on behalf of the Engineering Council, the UK regulatory body for the profession.

These members have met globally recognised standards. Their competence has been assessed and verified and they have made a commitment to Continuous Professional Development and ethical conduct. Interim Registrants have met the academic requirements for professional registration and are working towards assessment and verification to become fully registered.

Search for IFE Engineering Council registrants using the 'filter by registration' search option below.

Responsible persons should use a registered fire risk assessor who has been deemed competent.

To gain IFE fire risk assessor status, individuals are rigorously assessed to ensure they have suitable knowledge, understanding and experience in the principles of fire safety and fire risk assessment.

All IFE fire risk assessors are required to be registered with the Engineering Council through the IFE.

View IFE fire risk assessors by selecting the fire risk assessor option from the 'filter by registration' search option below.

This directory includes only members and registrants who have opted in to be listed. If someone does not appear in the results, it does not necessarily mean they are not an IFE member. To verify the status of an individual not listed in the directory, please call +44 1789 261 463 and select option 1.

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