The Fire Service Research and Training Trust

The Fire Service Research and Training Trust


The Fire Service Research and Training Trust (the Trust) is a charity and was established in 1940 using funding provided by the insurance sector following the implementation of the Fire Brigades Act 1938, to promote and assist research into the methods of the extinction of fires and the protection life and property in the case of fire; and the training of fire brigade personnel.

Research sponsored by the Trust has been shaping the UK fire and rescue services throughout its history, from research into the first fire training simulators to firefighter fitness studies at the University of Bath and more recently, research into the effect of water cutting and extinguishing techniques on compartment fires at the University of Edinburgh.

The requests for funding are only open to those working within the UK fire and rescue service (FRS).


Objects of the Trust

The Trust’s purpose is to support learning, research and the sharing of information and ideas across the UK FRS.

The aims of the Trust is to:

Learn: Promote and assist the training and development of UK FRS personnel

Research: Promote and assist new research that meets the needs of UK FRS

Share: Share information and ideas relevant to UK FRS that assists in learning


The FSR&TT grant schemes

There are four types of grants made by the Trust. IFE is honoured to support the Trust by administering applications on its behalf in relation to its Scholarship award scheme which can be viewed below. To apply for the other grants supplied by the FSR&TT including the small project, research fellowship award scheme and the research project grant scheme, please contact the Trust directly.

Scholarship award scheme

A personal development grant towards the cost of a study programme relating to the objects of the Trust and is primarily focused on the development of the skills of the award holder. Applicants must be sponsored by their line manager or other more senior manager Awards can be up to 100% of the cost of tuition fees for one academic study year where the total value does not exceed £2,500. The award covers directly incurred costs associated with tuition fees.

To firefighter personnel in full uniform embracing each other in front of an open fire engine.

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