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Recognition of training


With a global presence of over 11,000 members, the IFE’s network is pivotal in driving developments across fire safety. As the leading professional body for the fire sector, IFE seeks to improve competency and one of the ways we do this is via our recognitions service to recognise courses, training providers and educational programmes. Gaining IFE recognition demonstrates you have met quality standards and shows your commitment to providing quality training.

Prospective students can be more confident that an IFE-recognised course, provider or educational programme will illustrate competency and a varied skill set, instilling faith in future employers through progressive training.

IFE recognitions

Learn more about what we recognise and why it drives value.

IFE recognition is a third-party evaluation of individual training courses, training course providers and educational programmes to ensure relevant academia that develops the necessary skill set to thrive in the fire sector.

IFE recognition benchmarks courses, providers, and educational programmes to the highest standard, ensuring a competent workforce across the fire industry. Our Recognitions Team examine courses and training to certify the most up-to-date, industry-relevant training to progress in fire engineering.

Successful applicants will also gain full use of the IFE recognition marketing toolkit to assist with promotional activity and be included in our online IFE Training and Development Directory.

IFE recognition takes your academic intel to the next level by adding significant value through global reach and recognition, for both audience and providers. It allows you to present your knowledge as an industry expert and distinguishes you from your competitors. Once recognised by the IFE and having met the quality standard criteria, relevant CPD hours are issued as part of recognition status, enabling students to log their time on the course or educational programme as CPD hours.

We understand that demonstrating a commitment to delivering quality training is vital and achieving this stamp of approval will significantly help build trust, attract new delegates, and enhance your brand through affiliation and collaboration with the IFE. Prospective students can be more confident that an IFE recognised course or educational programme ticks all the boxes for their learning and future careers in the fire industry.

Our recognitions offering


Training Course (RTC)
These vary in length and can be delivered anywhere in the world. RTCs often cover a specific topic within fire engineering and must be relevant to those working in the sector. Courses, seminars or events will be assessed on their content and delivery method(s). Formally validated CPD hours will be issued for any courses that are recognised with the IFE.


Training Provider (RTP)
Delegates undertaking recognised courses or educational programmes, using a recognised training provider, have the peace of mind that the course has met our specific recognition criteria. Before applying for recognition, training providers must have 30% of their courses relevant to the fire sector recognised with the IFE in order to be eligible for RTP status.


Educational Programme (REP)
An IFE Recognised Educational Programme is a Recognised Training Course with the addition of having met the IFE's educational requirements for specific grades of membership. Delegates who successfully pass a REP have the opportunity to use this achievement as an academic entry requirement when applying for certain IFE memberships.

Application process

Please read the Terms and Conditions, fee information and Recognitions Handbook before submitting your application.

Review process

The IFE will review an application once it has been submitted and the application fee received. Once successful, course providers will be featured on the IFE's Training and Development directory and have access to a logo to demonstrate recognition status. The IFE carries out periodic reviews of those who achieve recognition status. These are normally every three years and involve an application review and may necessitate a visit. A fee for the periodic review will be payable at the start of the process.

CPD validation

The IFE validates CPD hours for events, conferences and informal training. Learn more and apply to get CPD hours allocated.

Apply for CPD hours