Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups


Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are led by like-minded volunteers sharing a common interest and expertise in a specific field of fire who come together from practice, consultancy and academia to produce guides, codes of practice, seminars, contribute to consultations and provide a space to network and share ideas.

Every SIG is managed by a Chair, supported by a committee and governed by an approved terms of reference.

SIG workplans and activities are updated regularly. IFE members can keep up-to-date with the SIG activities by logging into MyIFE and following our social media channels.

Our Special Interest Groups


Raising awareness of issues related to façades and to provide support to the many fire engineers who work in this area

Fire Investigation

Promoting the discussion and opinion of other fire practitioners in the investigations of fire from a truly international perspective

Fire Modelling

Exploring fire modelling excellence, including appropriate application by suitably competent people

Fixed Firefighting Systems

Focusing on the discussion and engagement around the fixed, permanently installed, systems which will fight a fire should one occur

Heritage Buildings

Promoting interest in heritage buildings and a desire to reduce the damage and destruction which is caused by fire


Promoting the analysis of rail related issues including phased evacuation from sub surface stations and airport terminals

Retail, Distribution and Logistics

To prevent and mitigate the adverse effect of fires within the retail industry and promote fire safety as an investment, not a cost

Exclusive to members

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