Choose the right IFE membership for you

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Choose the right membership for you


Are you looking to join the IFE for the first time, or would you like to understand your options to regrade your membership? We have different membership types designed to recognise you at different stages of your career, whether you are already working in fire or just starting out.

To help guide you, we have taken steps to make it as easy as possible for you to choose the most appropriate IFE membership.

Our online quiz asks a short series of questions to guide you towards the most appropriate membership type and redirect you back to the relevant page for more information. From there you can start your application online.

Alternatively, you can use our membership matrix to check whether you qualify for a certain grade based on your experience and qualifications. Then head to our Individual Memberships page to view further details and apply.


Take our online quiz

Use our online tool to help you find the membership that closely matches your experience and qualifications.

Find your route to membership

Membership matrix

Compare the number of years you have worked in fire with the level of qualification you hold to determine which membership option might be right for you. If you are unsure whether your qualification will be suitable, check it against our list of worldwide qualifications.

Turn your qualification into membership

A list of qualifications from around the world that could help you gain IFE membership.

Find your qualification

Ready to apply?

Login to apply and start your IFE membership journey today

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