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Dean Morris EngTech MIFireE


Tell us about yourself

My name is Dean Morris and I’ve been a fire consultant for the last 13 years, having started as a Fire Safety Officer in Harrods. Alongside this, I became a whole-time
firefighter in Hertfordshire, which I have recently left to concentrate on my consultancy and a fire engineering degree. I am lucky enough to work on projects all
over the world and have a special interest in fire compartmentation.

Please explain your volunteer role

I’ve been fortunate to have had some very kind people support me throughout my career. As a result I want to give something back through supporting and mentoring others as well as being involved with various IFE groups. I actively look to promote equality where often in this field it has been lacking. I have previously supported the IFE Women in Fire Engineering Networking Group and helped some incredibly talented ladies obtain Member grade of IFE membership. On top of this, I am currently the President of the IFE Southern Branch where I am focusing on ensuring the branch is active and hosts regular CPD events and mentoring opportunities.

What is your favourite part of your volunteer role?

Seeing it make a difference! I think everyone looks back on their journey in the industry knowing things they would change or do instead, and being able to offer this insight to people that may be new to the industry can help increase their levels of competency. I’ve also noticed that a lot of the incredibly talented ladies that I
mentioned earlier suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’. I hope to be able to give them confidence in themselves and back them, so they push on and take the industry by

What is the most challenging part of your volunteer role?

Speaking to people and understanding their challenges, whether that might be disabilities, or even workplace issues which has affected them throughout their lives,
has been a big wake up call for me. It’s motivated me to help where I can and to try to make a difference for future professionals in the industry.

What advice would you offer people who are thinking about becoming an IFE volunteer?

Do it! Not only will you help others in the industry, but you will grow and develop from it as well. It’s a small industry where everyone knows everyone, and you really
have a chance to make a difference and not only improve competency, but also bring people together as well.

What have the advantages of volunteering been?

I’ve managed to meet some incredible people where otherwise our paths may not have crossed. They have formed a huge part of my support network and
have made a difference in my life both professionally and personally.

How has volunteering benefitted you in a professional capacity?

It’s vastly increased my networking, with the ability to meet like-minded people that have an obvious common interest. It also allows me to improve my own
competency by bouncing ideas of each other and listening to other people’s opinions.

Why did you choose to get involved in the Southern Branch council?

I used to pester a wonderful volunteer called Andrea White, who I’m sure most people reading this will know. She really helped me, and despite being at the top
of the field, would always give me time and answer my numerous questions and requests for advice. She spurred me on wanting to make a difference, especially to people that may have not been as fortunate as I have. She offered me the opportunity to join the Southern Branch at that time as a ‘webmaster’. This allowed me to get a good idea of how a well-organised branch is run, and hopefully we will continue their great work!

Does the Southern Branch have any  exciting projects coming up?

Of course! We try to run monthly CPD webinars with relevant topics. You can visit our website to find details of upcoming events. You may not always agree with what the presenter is saying, but we hope this creates debate and moves the industry forward. We also have some exciting in-person events in the pipeline, one in particular will be very unique and will get everyone who attends involved in a hands-on way… watch this space!

Is there any work that your branch has done that you are most proud of? 

I feel like we are creating a platform that is very relevant to what our members want. We can see from the attendances of each CPD event (with them selling out often
weeks in advance), that they are topics people are interested in. The feedback from each of them has also been overwhelmingly positive. One benefit that has come from Covid, is that we can now provide events not just for people residing in the South of England, but for members all around the world. We want to be a branch that listens to our members, mentors them when asked and makes a difference in the industry.

Can you share any examples of good practice where the Branch has been supporting members?

We’ve helped lots of members upgrade to higher grades of membership and gain professional registration. It’s quite easy to stick with the membership grade you are
at, as the process can seem daunting and time-consuming, however, it reflects your level of competency and is something you should be proud of! If it’s something that you have put off, or need help with, then get in touch.