We are seeking nominations from dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds to take on esteemed roles within the IFE. Eligible members may apply for one or more of the following positions.
Board of Trustee Directors
As a member of the IFE, you have a unique opportunity to stand for election to our Board of Trustee Directors.
Volunteering as a Trustee Director is a rewarding experience, offering opportunities to expand your professional networks, enhance your leadership profile and help shape IFE’s strategy, governance and fire safety initiatives.
This year there are two vacancies on the Board of Trustee Directors:
- One position open to all voting members, elected by the IFE International General Assembly representatives
- One position open to all IFE Engineering Council Registrants, elected by the IFE Engineering Council Registrants
Trustee responsibilities:
Trustees of the charity have an overriding duty to advance IFE’s mission and are responsible for its strategic development and management. Legal responsibilities include:
- Acting in the IFE’s best interest
- Acting with care and diligence
- Managing conflicts of interest
- Complying with IFE’s governing documents and the law
Download the role description here.
The IFE is a registered company and a Scottish registered charity; guidance for charity trustees has been developed by the Scottish charity regulator.
Eligibility requirements
For full details on eligibility criteria, including who can submit a nomination and who is eligible to support it, please refer to the nomination forms below:
Presidential Team vacancies
We are inviting applications for two prestigious positions within the IFE Presidential Team:
- International President
- International President Elect
This year, we are recruiting for both positions as part of a transition to reintroduce the International President Elect role. Each role holds office for one year from the AGM in July 2025. Following this term, the International President Elect will transition into the role of International President for a further one-year term.
These high-profile positions come with significant responsibilities, including:
- Representing IFE on an international stage, through official communications, functions and events
- Fostering global connections
- Influencing the future of fire safety
Upon appointment, the International President will be entrusted with the prestigious Chain of Office, a symbol of their leadership and dedication, to be worn at official public engagements.
Eligibility requirements
Nominations for International President and International President Elect must be Corporate Graded Members, including: paid up Life Fellows, Fellows, Members and Associates.
Supporters of each application must be current serving trustees of the Board.
Deadline for submitting all nominations
All nominations and supporting information must be submitted to company.secretary@ife.org.uk by 12:00 noon BST on 31 March 2025.
Late or incomplete applications will be void, please refer to the nomination form for more details.
Ballot process
In accordance with our Articles of Association, nominees may only proceed to the ballot if they have been recommended by the Appointments Committee. The criteria used to determine which nominees advance to the ballot are outlined in the nomination form.
If the number of recommended nominees exceeds the available vacancies, an online ballot will be held, and the results will be announced at the AGM. Should a ballot be required, all eligible members will receive voting instructions via email.
Please ensure your email address on record is correct. To verify or update your details, log in to MyIFE.