IFE > News > Updated statement - member expulsion
05 March 2025

Updated statement - member expulsion

Further to our previous statements on this matter, we provide an update below.

We share the concerns around the activities undertaken by Mr Kiziak. Following a thorough investigation and in accordance with our disciplinary process, he has rightly been expelled from the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) and his membership status has been revoked.

We have followed the appropriate processes throughout this case and have investigated all actionable complaints in a timely manner. When complaints are made, we review these to consider the initial evidence and subsequently conduct a comprehensive investigation to arrive at just and proportionate findings. In this case, the findings resulted in Mr Kiziak’s suspension from the IFE and ultimately, his expulsion.

Throughout the formal disciplinary process, we have worked closely with relevant partners including the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, the Engineering Council, Institute of Fire Safety Managers and the National Housing Federation.

An expulsion is the strongest sanction we are able to enforce on members who violate our code of conduct. Like many other professional bodies, we do not have powers of redress or access to further sanctions. We do, however, recognise that there are building owners and leaseholders looking for answers and solutions. We strongly urge Tri Fire LTD to promptly engage in a dialogue to resolve any outstanding concerns.

For answers to any questions you may have regarding this investigation and its outcome, please visit our dedicated FAQs page.