IFE > Career Spotlight > Tia Lewis

Tia Lewis


Tell us a bit about you

I am currently studying BEng (hons) Fire Engineering at the University of Central Lancashire. I have now almost completed my first year of studies and I have thoroughly enjoyed it and I look forward to what is to come.

How did you first learn about the IFE?

I have always known about the IFE however I have become more educated on the organisation through my current studies. It is talked about a lot in my fire engineering degree through the lecturers and other peers who are studying with me. I believe there are quite a few on my course who are now members of the IFE at different stages.

What are you hoping to get out of your IFE membership?

I am hoping to gain more knowledge on the fire sector and network with people who are also within the fire safety industry and who I can learn from via the IFE’s extensive network. I am also hoping to attend more events either in person or online to expand or build upon current knowledge.

Now that I am a Student member, I can share information with my colleagues, which I have learned through the IFE and through the people I have networked with due to the IFE as well as using this in my current employment.

What difference has being a Student member of the IFE had on you?

I have been able to network with like-minded people through social media. I often receive email updates from the IFE which allows me to stay updated on current and upcoming technologies and issues within the fire safety sector which benefits me in my current role as a Fire Safety Officer.

Without my Student membership I couldn’t be a member of the IFE Southern branch committee as the Early Careers representative, therefore having my membership has opened up new opportunities for me which I would never have had without it.

Would you recommend joining the IFE as a Student member to others?

I would highly recommend joining the IFE as a Student member. It is a great opportunity for those who are studying a fire related degree and are perhaps just beginning in the fire sector. There are a number of benefits which Student members are entitled to such as receiving the e-newsletter, access to the IFP journal and having the opportunity to network with over 10,000 fire professionals. I have been enjoying the e-newsletters and I find them very educational and interesting to read. IFE Student membership is free so if people are entitled to it, they should definitely join.

What is your favourite thing about your IFE membership?

My favourite thing is definitely the networking. I really enjoy connecting with new people who have the same passion as I do. Networking is a really important aspect in the fire safety sector and having a membership has opened the doors to build my knowledge, confidence and meet people who share the same interests as me. In my opinion, that is priceless.