IFE > News > Blog: Building trust starts with competency
28 June 2021

Blog: Building trust starts with competency

Our online CPD hub is now a year old. Already proving popular with members worldwide, it is set to evolve as the profession adapts to global changes in fire engineering, prevention, protection and response.

Never has it been more important to strengthen professional competency in fire safety. From designing, installing and maintaining fire prevention, protection and response, to adapting to rapidly evolving opportunities and challenges presented by new materials, new technologies, climate change and alternative fuels, the need for professionals to keep their training up to date is vital.

New research, regulations, guidance and legislation are emerging around the world and with them, fresh ideas, innovation and more opportunities to collaborate and evolve best practice.

New attitudes towards education, training and methods of learning are being developed to deal with organisational and technological change. The acceptance of the need for life-long learning by professions is increasing.

"At times of change, it is vitally important that the public and our stakeholders can trust in the competency of fire safety professionals worldwide"

As such, our CPD hub is not a static resource and we will be continuously developing it to ensure learning opportunities are readily available to members and career development pathways remain highly relevant and fit for the future.

Our CPD hub is a recognised and valued resource with views of hub created content up by 60% already in 2021, reissued content by 80% and useful links by 57%. This reflects growing awareness by members of how important continuing professional development is during this period of rapid change in our industry.

This increase in activity is also being mirrored by growth in online and physical CPD events. Moving learning online during the pandemic has widened access to these learning opportunities for members. In the UK, our Norfolk & Suffolk, Southern and London branches host monthly CPD events and our transport special interest group (SIG) held an event last month. Internationally, we are also seeing an uplift in online CPD, with our UAE branch hosting a six-part online series and branches such as Canada and USA are also hosting CPD events.

All these events are being captured in a global tracker which we aim to launch this year to help improve international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

At times of change, it is vitally important that the public and our stakeholders can trust in the competency of fire safety professionals worldwide and we are excited to see our CPD initiatives thriving and growing in 2021.