IFE > News > Blog: Future focus on sustainability
09 May 2022

Blog: Future focus on sustainability

Sustainability is a vast topic when it comes to fire engineering and the IFE has set in train a broad range of opportunities to capture knowledge and best practice in this important area.

Taking an in-depth looking at what decarbonisation means for the fire engineering profession involves bringing members and branches around the world together to identify best practice and the latest research to inform all aspects of fire engineering. This could involve designing resource efficient, environmentally friendly fire suppression systems, innovative thinking on using data and robotics in identifying risks or how first responders should deal with incidents, for example fires involving alternative fuel supplies or timber construction. The list goes on.

What we do know is that the technologies are advancing rapidly as nations around the world get to grips with reducing carbon impacts by transitioning to new fuels and new low carbon materials.

As part of its own net zero strategy, the IFE has a key role to play in providing technical perspectives on the emerging fire safety questions and solutions resulting from wider sustainability initiatives.

One valuable strand of work is the role that the IFE’s special interest groups (SIGs) are playing in collaborative working to interrogate the real-life risk potential of technological or material advances that have fire safety implications. Particularly important is identifying what standards and skills the industry needs to apply in the future to ensure fire safety in such a fast-changing environment.

The IFE has already established a SIG capturing insight and evidence from around the world to interrogate best practice, regulations and what further research is needed into the fire safety impact of facades in the wake of the Grenfell fire. Another SIG is looking at the impacts of alternative fuels in both buildings and transport.

The issues raised are complex and this year sees the launch of five working groups within our fire investigation SIG that will examine in detail:

  • The causes of EV fires.
  • Managing the risks of EV charging points within the built environment – buildings, homes, car parks, every structure possible.
  • Hydrogen vehicle infrastructure and transport.
  • Impact of new technologies such as solar panels, wind farms on fire engineering.
  • Dealing with global climate change impacts such as wildfires.

The knowledge and insights gained through this work will help provide fire engineering professionals with the best practice guidance and real-world insight they need to keep pace with change, as well as being used to inform the regulatory and legal landscape and the standards that we need to protect lives, buildings, infrastructure and the environment in the future.

As a global organisation, we have unprecedented access to expertise and experience across all aspects of the sustainability landscape, from how regions in the US and Asia Pacific are tackling lengthening wildfire seasons, to the rapid investment in hydrogen infrastructure and renewables.

One thing is clear is while governments and regulators are still framing the new rules that will inform fire engineering practice, fire engineers are under increasing pressure to act fast to keep pace with the rapid rate of change.

Our members are desperate for new information as we continue to learn from incidents, research, innovation and collaborations happening around the world. We are in dialogue with our international members more than ever before as we look to capture the knowledge and insight that will ensure our members are equipped to deal with the changes ahead. This work will not only shape the development of our CPD, it also gives our members confidence that the IFE is building the networks and putting the measures in place to help us deal with the challenges and opportunities that the profession may face in the future, fulfilling our role to illuminate a fire safe future.

Any members who would like to be contribute to our knowledge hub on sustainability and fire engineering, or who would like to become a member to find our more should email marketing@ife.org.uk.