Changes to legislation and emerging technologies are placing significant demand on the fire sector and demonstrating competency has never been more important. Having a solid understanding of fire safety and being multi-disciplined is essential and academia remains pivotal to this. As part of our efforts to drive competency across the fire sector through ensuring a quality standard of training, we have reinforced our recognitions service.
With more professionals seeking third party assurance from training, we have revisited our recognitions service and all accredited training courses will now formally receive validated CPD hours. Our Recognised Educational Programmes offer successful delegates a way to meet the academic entry requirements for specific grades of IFE membership. By benchmarking quality training, professionals looking to undertake a fire safety qualification can be assured certified excellence, mitigating a safer approach to choosing fire professionals.
IFE recognition adds significant value, both for audience and provider. Our Member and Education Services Director, Jo Tedd, commented: “The premise of fire safety is so obscure in today’s landscape and as part of our continued efforts to drive and support the development of the fire sector, our recognitions service will provide the end user with confidence, knowing that the professional has the relevant qualifications and has an up-to-date understanding of fire safety practices.
“Prospective delegates can be more confident that an IFE recognised course or educational programme ticks all the boxes for their learning and future careers in the fire industry and those applying for recognition can present their knowledge as an industry expert, distinguishing themselves from competitors.”
Recognition status is available for Recognised Training Courses, Recognised Training Providers and Recognised Educational Programmes. To ensure a straight-forward application process, we have designed individual application forms for each recognition route.
Influencing aspects of future guidance, training and qualifications is paramount to the IFE and will enable our members to adapt and upskill in the industry with confidence. If you’re looking to explore recognition opportunities with the IFE or for further information on our recognitions service, please visit our recognitions page.