IFE > News > Blog: The power of volunteering
24 August 2021

Blog: The power of volunteering

Volunteers are a driving force within the IFE. From reviewing applications and examinations to sitting on committees, they volunteer their knowledge and expertise to help maintain the high standards that build confidence in our professionalism and practice.

Only through our members and volunteers can we continue our work to advance and improve the knowledge, practice and recognition of all fire professionals and enable them to shape a fire safe world.

"Our volunteers help us to grow, influence and shape the global fire sector as it responds to new challenges and opportunities."

In return, IFE volunteers benefit from the experience, knowledge sharing, influencing and leadership skills that come with many of our volunteering roles, but we want to build on this.

A key priority in 2021 is developing a strategy that recognises and rewards our valued cohort of volunteers. As part of this exciting initiative, we will be launching a new Volunteer Hub to our website.

The hub will recognise and support our existing volunteers, enabling them to share their experiences and showcase work they have been involved in on our behalf.

It will also highlight the diverse range of voluntary roles available throughout the IFE and make clear what each role involves. The hub will also set out the many benefits that volunteering for the IFE can bring to both individuals and employers.

Benefiting individuals

Volunteering helps to develop existing skills and technical knowledge, as well as gain new skills and experience through exposure to different workstreams. This work translates into an enhanced CV, CPD progression, professional and workplace credibility as well as increased visibility and networking opportunities across the profession.

Benefiting employers

Employers who release their staff for volunteering benefit from increased technical knowledge of staff, mentoring of co-workers, enhanced qualifications that can lead to improved charge out rates, formal evidence of progression and learning that can contribute to CPD, improved staff loyalty, and improved confidence amongst staff in their technical knowledge and capabilities.

Getting involved

We are also making it easy for those interested in assisting and joining the team to cross match skills with opportunities via a simple online form. Once a relevant role is matched to you, we will provide any necessary training to get you started as an IFE volunteer.

Look out for more information as we countdown to the launch of the hub and guide in the next few weeks.