IFE > News > Call for nominations for the IFE's International President (has now closed)
01 July 2024

Call for nominations for the IFE's International President (has now closed)

The IFE is inviting candidates to stand for the role of International President. The International President is currently a Trustee of the IFE and takes an active Board role in shaping the future of the fire profession.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to Hayley Burgess who is our current International President and has achieved so much during her tenure. Hayley’s post will come to an end at this year’s AGM which will be held on 24th October. In preparation of this, nominations are now open for the International President 2024-25.


This exciting opportunity arises as we develop our next strategy which seeks to enhance our global presence and influence. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in representing the Institution globally as its most senior ambassador.

The role description for the International President is available here.

The International President is elected by the Board. The successful candidate will be announced at the AGM in October 2024 and they will remain in office until the 2025 AGM.

How to apply

Click the apply button below to complete a nomination form. All nominations and supporting information must be submitted to company.secretary@ife.org.uk by 12noon BST on 31 July 2024. Late or incomplete applications will be void; please refer to the nomination form for more details.