IFE > News > IFE installs new International President at 99th AGM
20 October 2022

IFE installs new International President at 99th AGM

The IFE is pleased to introduce the 2022 – 2023 International President, Dr Peter Wilkinson CSci MIScT CEng FIFireE.

Peter was installed as International President at the IFE’s 99th AGM on Tuesday 18th October 2022. The handover was carried out by former 2020 – 2022 International President, Andrew Sharrad GradCert EngTech CFIFireE.

IFE members will be able to watch a recording of the AGM via MyIFE in due course.

On becoming International President, Peter comments: “It is truly an honour to be the IFE International President 2022-2023. My aim for the next year is to strengthen the ties between IFE’s international presence and as many of the other major bodies in fire safety as possible.”

Peter has been involved with the IFE for many years, representing the organisation on national and international professional forums, contributing to post-Grenfell initiatives in the UK and worldwide, driving the development and remit of the Technical Strategy Advisory Group and more recently leading the IFE in technical matters in the role of Technical Director.

A Chartered Engineer, a Chartered Scientist and a Registered Fire Risk Assessor, since 2012 he has been leading the independent safety, fire and risk engineering practice he founded.

As International President, Peter sits on the IFE Board of Trustee Directors. Through his work, Peter will support both the Board of Trustee Directors and our worldwide branches in our shared mission to illuminate a fire safe future.

View the IFE Board of Trustee Directors

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