IFE > News > Nominations are open for the IGA Vice Leader election
01 September 2024

Nominations are open for the IGA Vice Leader election

The IFE is delighted to invite nominations for the role of the Vice Leader of the International General Assembly (IGA).

About the IGA

IFE is in a unique position, in that we have a worldwide network of branches and groups which enable us to gather valuable fire-related insights across many different specialisms and geographies. Each of our worldwide branches and groups appoint an IGA member from within their committee/branch council, who together form the IGA. Their work involves the debate and collaboration on a range of multilateral and cross sector discussions which contribute to our awareness of global fire related issues in furtherance of our aims to create a safer world from fire.

During 2024, a new IGA Terms of Reference (ToR) was approved by the Board of Trustee Directors. This followed extensive consultation with the IGA Leadership and the wider membership of the IGA. This new ToR allows us to better harness the breadth of knowledge and experience of our membership which can be channelled through the improved mechanisms of the IGA.

The IGA’s direction is steered by the IGA Leader and IGA Vice Leader (together the IGA Leadership) working closely with the IFE’s Membership and Registration Committee to ensure their activities contribute to the aims of the Institution.

Following the completion of the term of office, the IGA Vice Leader transitions to become the IGA Leader for their successive term.

Eligibility requirements

Under the new ToR, eligibility for the IGA Leadership roles has been expanded. All graded members of the Institution can now stand for election* having also gained the support of an IGA member to propose their nomination.

Additionally, the term of office for the IGA Leadership has been increased to a two-year term commencing 1st January, resulting in a projected term of four years (two-years as the IGA Vice Leader followed by two-years as the respective IGA Leader).

You can find out who the IGA member is for your local branch by contacting the branch council directly.

*graded members do not include Student and Affiliates, further eligibility criteria applies, please see the Nomination form for details.

Ballot process

All nominations will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee who will provide advice to the Board and IGA Leaders on the content and suitability of the nominations.

If there is more than one nomination recommended by the Nominations Committee, a ballot will be held among the members of the IGA.

Deadline for submitting your completed nomination

All nominations and supporting information must be submitted to company.secretary@ife.org.uk by 12noon BST on Monday 30 September 2024. Late or incomplete applications will be void, please refer to the Nomination form for more details.

More Information?

Should you have any questions regarding the nominations or election process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Download the nomination form