IFE > News > Strengthening your institution to lead fire safety on a global stage
16 September 2024

Strengthening your institution to lead fire safety on a global stage

The landscape of fire safety is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic and the challenges facing the fire sector are more intricate than ever before. To ensure that we continue to lead the way in safeguarding lives and property, the IFE must continue to adapt and evolve.

Strategic leadership

Through the contributions of our members, our strategy goes forth in 2025; a key component to achieving our goals and measuring the institution’s success through clear objectives. We would like to sincerely thank each member for their input and aiding us to provide a strategic analysis of the global fire safety context.

To ensure that our actions are aligned with our strategy, we have expanded and established new board committees. Each committee consists of Trustees and subject matter volunteers who provide oversight and support for all our functions and activities. This includes an Education and Qualifications committee, Finance, Audit and Risk committee, Membership and Registration committee, a Nominations committee, Professional Standards committee and a Technical committee. Each committee plays a critical role to ensure that every area of our operation is focused and directed towards achieving our purpose.

Reviving the role of the International General Assembly (IGA)

Our renewed governance approach involves the revitalisation of the IGA, positioning it as a central body to support the IFE’s mission. The IGA unites a diverse range of disciplines and demographics, offering a unique global perspective that is invaluable to the global fire sector and the protection of lives and communities. As a member, your voice - expressed through the revitalised IGA – gives us a global technical perspective and plays a critical role in helping us navigate future challenges and maintain our standing as a global leader in the field.

This refreshed approach also places emphasis on the mutual benefits of participation. By engaging with the IGA, you have the opportunity to contribute your valuable experience and influence our focus. Your input ensures that the IFE remains dynamic and forward-thinking in its approach to fire safety, keeping us responsive and ensuring that local and regional concerns are heard and represented on an international stage. This allows us to concentrate our efforts where they are most needed, positioning the IFE as a leader within the sector, and the IGA remain pivotal to this.

Commenting on these changes, IGA Leader Jacob Derrick MIFireE, said: "The new Terms of Reference and a rejuvenated energy from its members has positioned the IGA central to the IFE's strategic planning to address the evolving challenges in fire safety with a renewed focus on global collaboration with our members and branches."

IGA Vice Leader, Jason Hill MIFireE, added: "I’m really looking forward to implementing the updated IGA Terms of Reference. With our involvement in the Membership & Registration Committee, we’re poised to make significant contributions to the institution’s growth and impact.”

Enhanced governance for a balanced and effective leadership

To further strengthen our institution, the IFE’s governing documents have been reviewed and approved by the Engineering Council (EngC), creating a more balanced board and to make our leadership more effective.

We remain committed to championing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and reaffirming that our institution remains member-led at its core. By enhancing the board’s diversity and balance, we are better equipped to focus on key areas such as EDI, ensuring that the IFE remains member-led and values the voices and perspectives of all its members.

These changes facilitate greater member participation, which was key to this mission, including easier access to Annual General Meeting (AGM) attendance and voting. The changes also reintroduce the role of the International President-Elect (IP Elect) to ensure continuity and provide experienced leadership.

IFE Chair of the Board of Trustee Directors, Paul Stollard CEng MIFireE, added: "Strong governance is the cornerstone of the IFE’s mission. The enhancements to our governance structure will ensure that the IFE remains a global leader within our sector, committed to protecting the communities we serve and safeguarding lives.”

The full details of the proposed changes are available for all members to access and review. At the bottom of this article, you will find two versions of the IFE’s Articles of Association (one showcasing the tracked changes and one without), two versions of the Bye-laws (one showcasing the tracked changes and another without) and the IGA’s Terms of Reference document. We have also prepared two guidance documents which outline further information about each of the proposed changes to our Articles of Association and Bye-laws to provide clarity for our members.

Implementation and next steps

While some of these governance enhancements have already been implemented, others are in progress, pending resolution at the upcoming AGM. Executing these changes swiftly and effectively is paramount to the IFE, ensuring that our governance structure supports our strategic objectives and empowers us to lead the global fire safety community.

By embracing these changes and working together, we can strengthen our institution and continue to set the standard for fire safety worldwide.

We will be presenting these changes to members at our upcoming AGM which takes place on 24 October 2024 at the IET, Savoy Place London. AGM places must be booked in advance, and we urge members who plan to attend the meeting, to secure their place as soon as possible before the booking deadline of 14 October 2024.

Thank you once again for your continued support and dedication to our shared mission.

View the Articles of Association (with track changes)
View the Articles of Association (without track changes)

View the Bye-laws (with track changes)

View the Bye-laws (without track changes)

Read the Articles of Association guidance document
Read the Bye-laws guidance document

View the IGA's Terms of Reference