IFE > News > Welcoming the Grenfell Tower phase 2 report
04 September 2024

Welcoming the Grenfell Tower phase 2 report

The IFE welcomes the release of the Grenfell Tower Phase 2 report which is the result of an extensive public inquiry. The report has significant relevance to the institution’s members both in the UK and internationally where recommendations from the report will shape and impact on fire safety practices worldwide.


As fire professionals, our thoughts remain with all those affected by the Grenfell Tower fire and those who lost their lives in the tragedy.

Over the coming days, the institution will conduct a thorough review of the report in its entirety to fully understand the areas that concern our membership and the global fire safety agenda. We will then consider the report findings and identify the areas where the institution can positively assist in implementing the recommendations as soon as is possible.

The complexity of the report will doubtless require a collaborative approach from a range of organisations and bodies. Arrangements are in place to host an event at IFE international headquarters in early October when we will facilitate discussion with key invited UK leaders in fire safety to ensure a mutual awareness of our respective plans, and crucially to jointly identify where the best collaborative actions can be prioritised.

Through all this, our goal is to carefully assess how we can implement the report recommendations to drive meaningful improvements and advancements in fire safety practices and professional standards worldwide, assisting our members within the fire safety industry.

We appreciate the support of our members and the fire safety community as we navigate these crucial next steps.