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Adam Kiziak outcome


FAQs related to this case

We are not responsible for keeping and do not keep a register of all buildings inspected, or of any other work undertaken, by individual members of the IFE. It is also important to note that Mr Kiziak’s expulsion does not automatically invalidate his historic assessments. Buildings that were inspected will name Mr Kiziak and/or Tri Fire LTD. Owners or leaseholders who would like further reassurance should contact Tri Fire LTD directly or appoint another assessor for a second opinion.

This case is not reflective of the high standards our members embody. The vast majority conduct their work with integrity and professionalism.

We always encourage anybody seeking the services of a fire engineer to make use of our Find an IFE professional directory and ensure that the stated fire engineering specialisms match the needs of the client and that they have suitable insurance cover.

    This information should be included on the EWS1 form.

    Mr Kiziak’s expulsion does not necessarily invalidate his historic work. If leaseholders or building owners have specific concerns, we strongly recommend seeking verification from an independent, qualified professional.

    We received the first complaints in 2021 and convened an Investigation Panel soon afterwards. That Panel reviewed the evidence and undertook a comprehensive investigation, gathering evidence and interviewing relevant partners. During that investigation, the IFE received further complaints which warranted consideration, further extending the investigation timeline. We subsequently concluded the investigation in 2024.

    We have followed our disciplinary process throughout this case, which ultimately concluded in Mr Kiziak’s expulsion. When we receive complaints about a member, we consider the initial evidence and subsequently conduct a comprehensive investigation to arrive at just and proportionate findings. This can take time. During the investigation, we continued to receive information about the members’ conduct which needed to be taken into consideration in order to conduct a thorough and fair investigation.

    Mr Kiziak’s expulsion demonstrates that our disciplinary process worked as designed, but there will always be learnings after a case as unique as this one. We want to ensure we take the time to comprehensively reflect on any proposed changes to our engagement throughout the disciplinary process and will share any updates or suggestions for improvements with our members and partners.

    The IFE is not a regulator, it is a membership body. A regulator would need to be created and empowered to regulate the professional practice of IFE registered engineers and advise on redress.

    Mr Kiziak’s expulsion does not invalidate his historic assessments, but building owners and leaseholders who would like further reassurance should contact Tri Fire LTD or appoint another assessor for a second opinion.

    You can find all information on the case in the IFE summary case document at the top of this page.

    The sanctions were published once the disciplinary process had concluded and the sanctions had been agreed, both to allow for a robust process and to avoid prejudicing any subsequent criminal and civil investigation.

    As a membership body, engagement with mortgage lenders on behalf of individuals does not fall within the scope of our remit. We are actively engaging with UK Finance to address the broader impact of this case, and they have recommended that affected individuals contact their mortgage lender directly for guidance on their specific case.

    We can confirm that the process has concluded and Mr Kiziak is not entitled to an appeal.

    Mr Kiziak can no longer identify as an IFE member or practice as an Incorporated Engineer of the Engineering Council registered through the IFE. We always encourage anybody seeking the services of a fire engineer to make use of the IFE Find a professional directory and ensure that the stated fire engineering specialisms match the needs of the client. 

    Mr Kiziak’s expulsion does not invalidate his historic assessments, but building owners and leaseholders who would like further reassurance should contact Tri Fire LTD or appoint another assessor for a second opinion.

    The IFE’s disciplinary investigation aimed to determine whether the member’s actions constituted a breach of the IFE’s Code of Conduct. The investigation was not a technical assessment of work carried out by the member; such assessments fall outside the remit of the panel. Instead, the focus was on professional conduct in line with IFE’s established ethical and professional standards. For clarity, the investigation has always been solely about the Code of Conduct. While this has been the case from the outset, we recognise that there has been some misunderstanding, and we want to ensure the scope is clearly understood.